Next.js is an open-source React framework developed by Vercel. It offers server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering capabilities, enabling developers to build performant and scalable web applications. The framework is designed to be developer-friendly, with a focus on fast refresh and an optimized production build.

Release Released Security Support Latest
14 8 months ago
(26 Oct 2023)
Yes 14.2.4
(11 Jun 2024)
13 1 year and 8 months ago
(25 Oct 2022)
Yes 13.5.6
(18 Oct 2023)
12 2 years and 8 months ago
(26 Oct 2021)
Ended 1 year and 7 months ago
(21 Nov 2022)
(21 Nov 2022)
11 3 years ago
(15 Jun 2021)
Ended 2 years and 4 months ago
(27 Jan 2022)
(27 Jan 2022)
10 3 years and 8 months ago
(27 Oct 2020)
Ended 3 years ago
(15 Jun 2021)
(24 May 2021)
9 4 years and 11 months ago
(08 Jul 2019)
Ended 3 years and 8 months ago
(27 Oct 2020)
(10 Oct 2020)

Next.js follows semantic versioning. Major versions are released on average twice per year, minor versions more frequently, and patch versions very frequently. Important security patches can be backported to past major versions, but it’s not clear which past versions are supported or not on

Next.js has two release channels: stable and canary. Only stable releases are suitable for production.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

You can check the version that you are currently using by running:
npx next --version

You can submit an improvement to this page on GitHub :octocat: . This page has a corresponding Talk Page.

A JSON version of this page is available at /api/nextjs.json. See the API Documentation for more information. You can subscribe to the iCalendar feed at /calendar/nextjs.ics.